Sunday, March 11, 2012

Free Energy, From Ancient Egypt to Nikola Tesla to The Present

If you've ever pondered if "free" energy is possible, then look no further, this post provides a video which gives a very good rundown on the subject of free, sustainable energy. This clip is taken from a 5 part series called "The Pyramid Code" which is available to watch instantly on Netflix. It touches on the work of Nikola Tesla as well as some Ancient Egyptian theory. Here is a link to the series' official website, it is definitely worth a view!

(The author of this post makes no claims of ownership in regards to the video or link provided in this post.)

1 comment:

  1. This piece of blog tells all the achievements of the man I always look up to. Nikola Tesla give us the so called free energy tesla, we owe a lot from him! Thanks for sharing this to us and keep this u
